We believe that the struggle of our society and institutions to provide adequate care to women in the pregnancy, childbirth and fertility wellbeing continuum, despite many exciting advances in healthcare and digital, is due to inefficient systems; we largely work in silos and do not take advantage of the rich expertise, resources and ideas that others could offer.
MCIP aims to bring all those who have the potential to improve maternal health together within an interconnected ecosystem, to facilitate collaboration, to create solutions and match proven interventions with resources to make real impact more quickly.
Through collaborative partnerships and strategic projects – including but not limited to driving culture change, improving healthcare systems and delivery, digital innovation and policy – we empower all motherhood stakeholders, from the smallest grassroots groups to large corporations and governments, to accelerate co-impact and avoid duplication. We believe that investing in motherhood gives the best chance to our future generations.
Providing a pre-competitive and neutral, pre-competitive environment, MCIP seeks to have a balanced representation of stakeholders to ensure transparency, inclusiveness, and credibility. Stakeholders include civil society, industry, subject matter experts, healthcare professionals, and other professional organisations to ensure diversity of perspectives and to create synergies.

Grow and formalise the maternal care ecosystem
Our short term goal is to increase demand and create better conditions for high quality maternal health, by increasing awareness of the gaps and issues that still exist today and cut across all geographies and cultures. We will use the Maternal Health Synapse to build and strengthen the maternal health ecosystem, and then empower the ecosystem with tools to make progress more quickly.

Equal access to healthcare is a fundamental right. In reality, however, Europe’s migrant and ethnic minority mothers are often failing to receive adequate treatment. This is particularly crucial when it comes to healthcare before, during, and after pregnancy..
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Healthy mothers and babies mean healthy societies. We all have a role to play in making motherhood safe. Maternal health risks are mostly abandoned as a non-priority topic, and is often streamlined into other topics and we aim to change that..
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It's time to break the silence around pregnancy and medicine. Having a disease shouldn't mean you can't have a child. And being pregnant or breastfeeding shouldn't prevent you from getting treatment..
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Bring global visibility to your maternal & neonatal health activities, find partners and best practices, and solve maternal health challenges in an efficient, sustainable way..
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ConcePTION is an EU-funded Innovative Medicines Initiative that will improve monitoring and communication of medication safety in pregnancy and breastfeeding.
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