Motherisk helps mothers-to-be decide

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pregnancy_taboosWhen it comes to pregnancy taboos, some organizations are tackling them head-on. Motherisk, a Canadian program that counsels women on medication use during pregnancy, is one such place. It offers mothers-to-be, and breastfeeding women, advice and resources on subjects that vary from life-threatening diseases to minor ailments.

But what Motherisk does particularly well is acknowledge that the medical profession doesn’t always have a set answer to every question. And while Motherisk doesn’t pretend to fill those gaps, it does offer a balanced argument. And this way, women can at least feel empowered to ask questions, and get a sense of the risks that might be involved, relating to whatever decision they take.

Motherisk is also taking steps to close those knowledge gaps. It leads clinical research into the treatment of diseases and drug use in pregnancy. So apart from giving women a balanced view of the current situation, it also gives those that want to a chance to shape how we treat illness in pregnancy in the future.


  • Maternal Care
  • Medication In Pregnancy
  • Research