Choosing between mom or baby: one mother’s tragic story

This is a story of one woman, Liz Joice, who thought she could never have a child because she had been treated for cancer in her early 30s. But then, she became pregnant, and one month into that pregnancy her cancer returned. Liz and her partner faced the impossible...

Pioneers of chemotherapy in pregnancy

There are no clear-cut answers about using chemotherapy to treat cancer in pregnant women – and current advice is usually given on a case-by-case basis. But the fact that doctors do use chemotherapy to treat certain cancers in mothers-to-be today stems from studies...

Motherisk helps mothers-to-be decide

When it comes to pregnancy taboos, some organizations are tackling them head-on. Motherisk, a Canadian program that counsels women on medication use during pregnancy, is one such place. It offers mothers-to-be, and breastfeeding women, advice and resources on subjects...

Treating depression during pregnancy

There’s a one in four chance that a woman will suffer from depression during her life. And given this statistic, there’s a fair chance that depression may coincide with pregnancy. So what should women who take drugs to manage their depression do if they want to have a...

Top tips for diabetic women in pregnancy

Over 30 years ago, Dr. Lois Jovanovič, the Chief Scientific Officer Samsun Diabetes Research Institute, postulated that diabetic women have exactly the same chances as non-diabetic women of having a healthy pregnancy and baby. Here, Dr. Jovanovič talks about the...