Filling the knowledge gap

The information needs of women who need to take medications during pregnancy and breastfeeding are not currently being met. A new project aims to change that, writes Danielle Barron. Over 200 million women will become pregnant each year, of which a significant...

What does a diagnosis of Covid-19 mean for pregnant women?

Danielle Barron outlines a number of research projects seeking to determine the impact of the new coronavirus on pregnancy and infant outcomes. One of the goals of Safe Motherhood Week 2020 is to highlight the challenges that the coronavirus pandemic presents for...

Celebrating nurses and midwives in 2020

It is almost ironic that the World Health Organisation (WHO) had designated 2020 as the “International Year of the Nurse and the Midwife,” in honor of the 200th anniversary of Florence Nightingale’s birth as the world gained an unprecedented respect for its...