First advisory board meeting for Pregnancy and Medicine Initiative

Moving the project forward and getting validation on our program’s objectives were key discussions during our first advisory board meeting on March 24, 2014. Meeting via teleconference, we discussed how differentiating ourselves from other debates linked to pregnancy...

Motherisk helps mothers-to-be decide

When it comes to pregnancy taboos, some organizations are tackling them head-on. Motherisk, a Canadian program that counsels women on medication use during pregnancy, is one such place. It offers mothers-to-be, and breastfeeding women, advice and resources on subjects...

The information vacuum and challenges to appropriate care

Pregnant women expect quite a bit from their healthcare providers, even more so if they have a disease that requires supervision and treatment. We asked some members of our advisory board what their biggest challenges are when it comes to providing pregnant women with...

An HIV-free generation still out of reach

Across the globe, slowly but surely, improving treatments and information for pregnant women who are HIV positive are having an impact. The success can be measured in two ways: first, the number of pregnant women who have access to HIV testing and treatment is rising...

Are doctors too afraid to treat pregnant women?

A leading figure in the battle to increase awareness about treating pregnant women, Dr. Gideon Koren believes urgent changes are needed in the field. He is the founder of Motherisk, an organization providing information and counseling on pregnancy and medication,...