Don’t abandon mothers, disrupt the medical taboo

Earthshaking disruption at TEDxBrusselsChange Inspired by the Gates Foundation’s initiative, the TEDxBrussels team aimed to bring the spirit of TEDxChange to the heart of Europe. TEDxBrussels is already a sizeable platform that enables speakers to give their ideas and...

Mothers-to-be have questions: who knows the answers?

Pregnancy is a time of roller coaster emotions for a mother-to-be, particularly a first-timer. And these emotions bring about endless questions. But when it comes to medicine use – who are these women turning to for answers? And are women in different countries...

Brave women; brave doctors

Testing drugs on pregnant women suffering from a life-threatening disease is not an easy decision to make. It’s not just about the mother-to-be and her illness, but there’s a second life to consider. So how do doctors strike a balance between the mother’s health and...

Medication during pregnancy: a neglected area of research

Like other experts, Carl Weiner, M.D. and professor in Gynecology and Obstetrics at the University of Kansas School of Medicine, states that the use of medication during pregnancy is a neglected area of research. In April 2013, he published “The Complete Guide...

Bridging the knowledge gap on drug use in pregnancy

How does a healthcare professional know if a drug is safe for use? Fortunately, all prescription and over-the-counter medicines go through a thorough clinical trials process, which lasts for several years. And regulators don’t launch a drug until they are convinced of...