How much is enough? Vitamin supplements in pregnancy

Medicines don’t make it to the market by accident. There’s a lengthy approval process, clinical trials, and extensive testing to ensure their benefits outweigh any potential risks. But what happens when it comes to supplements? Just because they don’t fall into what...

90 seconds to cut the cord

Less than a year later, Dr. Alan Greene’s call to wait at least 90 secondes to cut the cord seems to got heard. The BBC reports UK guidelines on that matter are currently being reviewed and new ones should be published next year. The same week, The Guardian...

Pregnancy Taboos: the start of a movement

Momentum is building. More and more people agree that pregnancy taboos must be broken. Our budding coalition is connecting people who share our determination to break the silence and share solutions. Although not currently part of the coalition, the three groups below...

Treating epilepsy in pregnancy

Epilepsy and pregnancy. Not an impossible combination, but certainly a difficult one. It’s also rare – according to research from 1999 only 0.5% of all pregnancies occur in epileptic women – but it is this very scarcity of cases that causes epilepsy in pregnant women...

Introducing our board of experts

Breaking Pregnancy Taboos recently hit a milestone with the creation of our advisory board. We are proud to introduce the first four advisory board members, each one having shown a keen interest or expertise in the field of pregnancy and medication. We welcome Dr....